Can Anyone Cosplay at Comic Con? (Explained & Solved)

If you have been to Comic Con before you would’ve seen your fair share of cosplayers walking around the convention halls.

So it’s fair to wonder and ask can anyone cosplay at Comic con?

Here’s the answer to that question:

Yes! Anyone can cosplay at Comic Con.

New York Comic Con entrance

Can anyone cosplay at C2e2?

Yes, anyone can cosplay at C2e2.

Can anyone cosplay at WonderCon?

Yes, anyone can cosplay at WonderCon.

By now you probably know what the answer is going to be for all the other conventions around the world. But sometimes you may not be able to cosplay at certain conventions. Read some tips below to help you determine if you can!

Can anyone cosplay at any convention in the world?

The answer is it depends, there are many different types of conventions not just cosplay ones (such as cooking conventions, fitness conventions, cheer leading conventions etc).

Below are some great tips to decide whether you can cosplay at a convention (conventions that haven’t been included in this article already).

  1. Look at photos from the previous years convention, did you see photos of cosplayers? If yes, then you can cosplay at the event.
  2. If you didn’t see any photos of cosplayers then the next step would be to go to that conventions website and check the FAQ to see if the question has been answered already.
  3. If you can’t find the answer in the FAQ then you will have to do some more digging. Have a look on the website to see if it mentions anything about cosplaying, e.g., you may see that they are holding a cosplay event/competition. If that’s the case then you can cosplay at the event.
  4. If you can’t find any of the above information the next step would be to contact the convention organisers to ask them if you are allowed to cosplay. You should be able to find a contact email/contact form to ask them questions, if not you could also reach out on social media.

Are there any rules for cosplaying at Comic Con?

Yes, there are typically rules involved when cosplaying at Comic Con. However, it depends which Comic Con you are going to! Are you going to New York Comic Con, San Diego Comic Con, Emerald City Comic Con, etc?

With this in mind, the best way to understand what the rules are for a cosplayer at Comic Con is to check on the conventions website.

Listed below are several rules from the San Diego Comic Con website:

  • All costume props and weapons must conform to state and federal law.
  • Projectile costume props and weapons must be rendered inoperable.
  • Functional (real) arrows must have their tips removed and be bundled and zip-tied to a quiver.
  • Costume swords must be tied to your costume in such a way that they can’t be drawn.
  • Costumes featuring stilts must be approved at the Costume Props Desk

In conclusion, this is not an exhaustive list so at this point please make sure to check the convention website for more details.

Most importantly, if you are looking for all of the rules for San Diego Comic Con click here

Can anyone be a cosplayer?

Without a doubt anyone can be a cosplayer. Cosplay does not discriminate against anyone. Above all, it is accepting of anyone that wants to get involved.